This is free online flash meditation film. Download
free meditation film.
This is free online flash poem and lyric reminder film.
Download online poem reminder and use it free. Use
the lyric reminder on you computer.
Concentration tips
Be Here Now! When you notice your thoughts wandering astray, say to yourself
"Be here now" and gently bring your mind at the point where you want it.
Concentration basically refers to the competency of sustained focused attention.
No specific foolproof system can be designed for the development of the mental quality
like Concentration. What we know about it is much less than what we still have to
know. However, certain basic principles can be suggested for making a plan of action
for the development of concentration.
Identify the learning style.
Define pursue of activity.
Develop a learner specific plan.
Choose an activity of one's own interest
Separately or together make activity plan for
Recep phase
Process phase
Produce phase
Make a plan of target for different phases of the activity
Fine -> Finer
Large -> Larger
Deep -> Deeper
Difficult -> More difficult
Less time -> More time
Activity should be so designed that one is able to perform the task over a longer
and longer period of time in each phase.
It is not necessary to keep a charter of targets ready from before.
Targets should be set in such a way that the learner is able to achieve it without
much difficulty.
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teen birthday inspirational child famous best love poem free love poem. this is
how you remind me lyric u remind me how you remind me you remind me usher u remind
me how you remind me this is how you remind me always something there to remind
me. how you remind me lyric you remind me of something how you remind me how you
Remind me of someday always something there to remind me lyric u remind me lyric
usher you remind me of a girl the scar remind us that the past is real you remind
me by usher this how you remind me scar remind us that the past is real lyric this
is how u remind me always something there to remind me.