Eidetic memory puzzles and games



What under the blank game

Use eidetic memory software for color therapy
Eidetic memory game
Good memory game
3D technical drawing game


How to memorize?

  • Have act out a multiplication fact story.
  • Draw a multiplication fact story picture with glue, and then sprinkle colored glitter on it.
  • Use colored pencils to illustrate a multiplication fact story.
  • Have draw the characters from a multiplication fact story on a deflated balloon with fine point permanent markers. b
  • Have the students design a banner for each multiplication fact. Each banner should include the fact and the picture. Display them around the room.
  • Have compile the artwork or fact charts into a multiplication fact book.
  • Have sculpt clay models of the objects and characters used to remember a multiplication fact story.
  • Have color the multiplication coloring pages and organize them into a coloring book.
  • Use crayons to illustrate a multiplication fact story.
  • Use finger paints to illustrate a multiplication fact story.
  • Use graph paper to design a cross number puzzle using the multiplication facts. (A cross number puzzle is a crossword puzzle with numbers instead of words.) b
  • Have use chalk to illustrate a multiplication fact story.
  • Design a mobile using the pictures from the multiplication fact stories.
  • Divide a large bulletin board into many smaller bulletin boards. As you add new multiplication facts, display the students� drawings on the sections of the bulletin board.
  • Create a giant mural of the multiplication fact stories.


Please Note:

Training yourself. This free online flash game need shockwave plug-in to play them. If you choose one of our shockwave games to play, you may see a broken image or blank page. Get the free download below, and you'll be able to play those games.

If you see a blank page or a broken image on your page then you do not have theShockWave plug-in. Flash plugin is FREE!


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Eidetic memory (Photographic memory) found in 5% children. These children can remember an entire page of writing in an unfamiliar language after only seeing it for a short period of time. Only a few have eidetic memory in adulthood.




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