Herbal catalog

Tribulus terrestris information page

The herb tribulus terrestris shows remarkable qualities in naturally increasing the level of luteinizing hormone levels (LH) thereby improving the manufacture of testosterone in the body - a level of up to 30% is claimed. It is furthermore used by people doing serious bodybuilding.

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Tribulus terrestris is used for

This herbal supplement has been used for centuries in Eastern cultures, and the active ingredient is extracted from the fruits. The fruits contain alkaloids, resins, tannins, sugars, sterols, essential oil, peroxidase, diastase and glucoside.

It has been used as a diuretic, tonic and aphrodisiac, urinary disorders, gout, impotence etc.

The saponins contained in this product is thought to help convert androstenedione and DHEA into testosterone, since a low level of luteinizing hormone in the body will impede the conversion.

Since tribulus terrestris helps with increasing the level of the luteinizing hormone in the body, the formation and synthesis of the testicular male sex hormone testosterone would be improved.


Since it is not an essential ingredient no RDA has been established for human consumption.

Tribulus terrestris is contained in the following Zest for Life products

Vuka 2000 - sexual stimulant and herbal viagra

Nutritional information

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