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How to develop IMAGINATION?

The key to developing imagination lies in developing capacity for divergent thinking problems or open-ended problems. Imagination is what we often refer to as divergent thinking also. Some of the basic principles involved in designing such problems and activities are as follows:

  • Design open-ended problems pertaining to the learning style of the child.
  • Gradually increase the complexity of the problems.
  • Complexity of the problems may be enhanced by designing difficult problems in one or multi intelligence situations.

Combine activities of different Intelligence Areas

  • Learners may be asked to combine activities of different intelligence areas. For example, narrate a story to the learners and then ask them to convert them into one or series of pictures. As learners may find difficulty in symbolizing the verbs, adjectives, etc. they apply imagination and come out with brilliant ideas. Learners should be asked to share their ideas by performing the activities in groups or sharing their pictures. This becomes a prompt for genera ion of new idea later when they encounter similar problems. Learners may be asked to narrate the story or compose new story on the basis of symbolic pictures designed by them. For other similar activities.

Compose poems and stories from Early childhood

  • Learners should be encouraged to compose poems or stories right from early childhood. In the initial period it may be oral. Later it may be written also. For an analysis of the necessity of using poem and stories as first step towards creativity.

  • Playing game of rhyming sentences may be good idea. Spatial children may convert irregular figures into nice pictures as in mazing games.

Learning the art of Questioning

  • Learning the art of questioning is one the major activities for creative learning process. Questions set the direction of thinking and thus sets our curiosity into motion. Several games and activities can be designed to develop the art of questioning.

Learn the art of Mental Image-Making

  • Learners should learn the art of mental image making.