PIM - personal information manager

How keep in memory easy

Sometimes you find stories, reviews, consumer opinions and online postings that inspire you or are relevant to an interest that you want to cultivate. Perhaps you encounter products that you are thinking of buying, come across information relevant to places you frequent and trust, or hear good things about products or places from others. How do you plug that type of information into your online workflow and make it persistent? Similarly, how do you represent the character and tenor of the personal and business relationships that you want to maintain and improve? Related to this one is the fact that from an operational perspective, there are some times when you are in a formal research mode while others you simply discover a piece of information that you don't want to forget or have to re-find again.

Simply put, saving online information. Bookmark it, email it to yourself, do a "save as," or a copy and paste.

One thing is for sure. If you use the PIM system regularly, it will grow to many hundreds of megabytes of information - no big deal if you are accessing information locally on your pc.