PIM - personal information manager

Information can be magnetic

Information can be magnetic, as your slide presentation alludes. Proving this out in the real world is largely (in my opinion) a question of finding the balance between:

1. Manual automated procedures: algorithmic analysis of text within content or links between documents / aggregate maps of a use's click steps vs. simpler techniques like user-defined key word stamping

2. Personal, inter-personal and global data sources: personal information vs. trusted network sources vs. Google search-able.

3. Information abstraction models vs. optimized for a specific run time environment: Always on and accessible anywhere on any device or within any application just makes sense in the age of mobility and in a world where we all have multiple modalities (home/work is a simple once) and truly good information is re-usable, but there is the lingering question of when highest common denominator vs. lowest common denominator practices prevail.

See also <http://www.oreillynet.com/pub/wlg/3819>