PIM - personal information manager

What happen when you have too many bookmarks?

What happen when you have too many bookmarks? How do you organize them? Do you start searching them? And "meta-bookmark" them? And so on? This seems to be a road to nowhere. What's wrong with search again? Search is great, but when you find stuff that you want to keep. While you bookmark occasionally, that approach has proven unwieldy.

There is a difference between sites you visit, where bookmaking is the way to go and information you find that you want to keep and categorize.

For example, I read a lot and come across articles of interest. I like to write online reviews. Frequently I come across products of interest that are referenced online and want to put that into a bucket that is meaningful to me and organized so the relevant associated information is connected to it.

I often receive emails that are integral to a topic of interest and want to throw that information in the same bucket, without having to think, �Oh, that's email, I have another application for managing that.

And I like to share this information. For me, email is the preferred way to do this, but I know lots of people that posting to their email or web site is their default path. Also, having spent the past year playing with consumer oriented web services, I spend a large chunk of time wanting to being able to actually doing something at the end of the day that leverages the information I find, whether that entails booking a ticket, making a reservation, buying a product, etc.

So I am clear, I am not expecting a magical brain to find the relationships, watch my keystrokes and act as my autonomous agent for me. That may indeed be the future but the solutions I have played with have either been disappointing or too low utility for my needs. I just want a better system for performing these types of actions, as I make discoveries of interest. I've talked to people who do this type of stuff manually every day on an ad hoc basis so its clear that I am not the only one with the itch needing to be scratched.

I am ultra cognizant of maintaining the balance between speaking of what you know and pushing your specific solution. That's why I mentioned and linked to 16 different solutions, and of course don't speak to my own (but your point is reasonable regardless). Plus, so I am clear, my company's solution does not do all of the things that this speaks to.

Information capture with TextIndexer is so quick and easy that the temptation is to grab now, organize later. Again, the powerful search capabilities let you postpone organizing the information until it is needed. Then it is easy enough to find the spreadsheet, the Web site, the downloaded article, the relevant emails, the idea notes and gathers them together.