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Putt the mind in order for speed reading

Unclearness of the thoughts is unclearness of the narration is widely known. Any kind of mess can be swept up by putting everything in order.

If we need to put the table in order we sort out the papers, look through them, place them into the different files. We dust the table and some time later the order is restored.

The similar method can be applied to putting the mind in order.

I combine putting my thoughts in order with composing the articles. I do it in the following way:

  • I outline a plan or just thoughts, associated with the subject. (I just put down everything that comes into can be expressed by two words)
  • I make up a paragraph on every thought.
  • I read the text and imagine what came out of the said mess.
  • I formulate the subject of the article more precisely
  • I systematize the texts and throw out everything that is not in line with the subject.
  • I return several times to the text to arrange the flow of the text.

This is a simple method of putting your thoughts in order.


hat you�re reading about?

Know why you're reading. Are you reading for entertainment or to learn something? Decide why you're reading before you start and you'll greatly improve your comprehension and your enjoyment.

Comprehend, use your memory better and set goals. Just like the training in our executive courses and workshops, you�ll be fast and accurate. Reading fast with comprehension helps with sales, school education, career and anything you study. Whatever challenges you face, there�s written material to help with your success.

Always read with a purpose. Unless you have a purpose it is easy for your mind to drift to thoughts more interesting than the academic text you are meant to be studying. You can turn the title and headings into questions, which you then answer while you read. Try to explain any graphics. Read to answer any available study questions. Write down specific topics and seek information relevant to those topics.

Reading effectively begins with a clear sense of purpose. This means consciously stating a desired outcome for reading. For example, we might want a brief overview of main points. We might want to gain certain details such as the solutions to specific problems. Perhaps we want to complete a task and seek only the ideas that will help us do so. Purpose acts like a radar signal to the inner mind allowing it to produce the results we seek.

Empowered with a clear purpose, we then enter a state of relaxed alertness�the accelerative learning state. While in this state, neither boredom nor anxiety exist. We are exerting effort, but we are not worried about results. Have you ever watched young children as they play? They model the same relaxed yet purposeful state we seek here.


Begin with your own questions

Work out what you already know on the topic of your reading.

You could:

  • Talk over your ideas with someone
  • Jot down what you know
  • Make up a diagram representing your ideas.

It is vital to begin with your own ideas and experience if the reading is to make sense. This will stimulate questions and highlight where to begin your search for information. If the topic is new to you, its language might be littered with confusing jargon.

As you read on, the meanings become clearer. It is more efficient to read quickly to get the idea and then read more carefully a second time, than to read slowly to gain all the meaning.

When reading material is difficult to understand, the following ideas might help.

  • Begin with a basic or general introduction to the topic, such as an encyclopedia!
  • Jot down new terms that keep recurring. Make sure that you spell the new terms accurately!
  • Look up at the meanings of these terms in a dictionary or reference book.
  • See if you can state the meaning in your own words. Check with someone else if you are still unsure.



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