Find good idea!

How to find idea throw Internet

The first step to researching New Idea is to find other words or phrases to use the Internet. Related search words and phrases allow you to maximize your research results. In addition, should you decide to take a different approach to your current topic, or change your topic altogether, this step helps you to explore other related subjects.

  • Visit special sites. Go to directory - sites. The directory use sub categories. Search in it and find category you need. Each of them would give you a bundle of ideas to come up as your own product ideas. Look at lists of categories and select you are interested in, then narrow that down to a project.
  • Use Library of Congress Catalog on the Internet. The Internet version of the catalog is intended to be a bibliographic source, cataloging materials that may not necessarily be found in the MSOE Library. However, the Library of Congress Catalog will provide you with a list of related research terms.  Follow the instructions below once you are in the Library of Congress Catalog. You might want to print these instructions so that you can easily refer to them.
  • Check "how to" sites. These sites comes with hundreds of ready-make how to ideas, each idea can be a special info product you can create.
  • Use the papers issue

    Check the science section of the library. Browse and look at book titles, then look inside the ones that look interesting to you. Also thumb through encyclopedias and magazines. Look at the newspaper. and think about current events. Watch commercials on TV. Test their claims. Remember a time you noticed something and thought "I wonder how that works?" or "I wonder what would happen if " then turn that into a project.

    Find a niche

    After you've find an idea for you product, digger deeper to verify and qualify your niche idea like smart marketers does, pass it through two qualification indicators.

    First - there must be enough people searching for the information you're going to market. Second - there should be at least already one or two products in the market niche.

    The following niche-qualification tools helps to verify the above qualification points.

    Make a list of key words and phrases that reflect the main themes of your site. Use the Overture search suggestion tool or Wordtracker to check your list.

    Verify the books on Amazon Turns out to be a useful site for your research. Verify what are the top sellers from your the niche. Try to find where is the gap that you may chip in. Get a feedback from the users of the books. Then, eventually you could consider a different packaging for your product.

    A good way for testing the possible idea is by offering on Ebay .

    Don't know how to write reports? Let it do by someone else, or let control and correct them for as little as $ 2,50 from experts

    After you're done with all this steps and have evaluated the marketability of your new product, make a web page or a mini site and start promoting it on the Net.

    Optimize your web site to reach first rankings on search engines and you'll soon see that results are coming in. Use this reciprocal linking tool what certainly will boost your search engine ranking to the sky.

    If you're still unsure to establish your niche, evaluate this "Niche Market Tool Kit" a step-by-step guide taking you by the hand through the whole process, it indicates the most important sites and addresses necessary to overcome any obstacle by creating your own niche market.

    For effectively promoting your product use Google Ad Words it brings results within hours by very small investment. Write reviews about your product and publish them in various places attracting even more visitors to your site. Keyword Research Tool


    Wishing you good luck!